AMSI TCD Medical Case Competition
6:00 PM18:00

AMSI TCD Medical Case Competition

  • Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute- Tercentenary Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The TCD chapter of the Association of Medical Students Ireland would like to invite you to the annual local Medical Case Competition at the Tercentenary Hall (THL) at the TBSI on the 23rd of February 2018 from 6p.m. This will involve a maximum of 8 participants presenting medical cases (not specific to any speciality) that they have encountered while on clinical rotation. Each presentation will last approximately 6 minutes and 3 minutes will be allocated for questions by the judges. The winner of the local event will progress onto the National AMSI Medical Case Competition and represent Trinity College.

This year we are glad to announce that we have been lucky enough to avail of the services of a wide range of expertise opinions in regards to our 4 judges.

They Include
Professor Deirdre McNamara- Associate professor of the Department of Gastroenterology at Tallaght Hospital and frequent final med examiner

Professor Joe Harbison- Associate Professor of Gerentology and the interim Director of Undergraduate teaching and learning at the School of medicine Trnitiy

Dr. Anne-Marie Liddy- SPR clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and adjunct assistant professor of pharmacology and therapeutics

Professor Orla Shiels- Professor of Molecular Pathology and director of medical ethics at the school of medicine.

The winner of the medical case competition does not only get the opportunity to be able to say they are the winner of such a coveted prize, the winner also gets the following:

-Certificate of Achievement
-Representation of TCD at the National medical case competition
-The opportunity to publish a case report with the TSMJ
-A recommendation letter from our professors

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Our Med Minds
to Feb 10

Our Med Minds

As medical students we focus so much of our time on learning how to take the best care of our patients. We learn how to not only ensure their physical health but also their mental and social well being. With all this emphasis on patient care sometimes it becomes easy to forget that we need to take care of ourselves. Join us at AMSI for a week filled with positivity, good food, great music and interesting events!

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SmedEd Journal Club "Pediatric Infections- Home & Away"
7:00 PM19:00

SmedEd Journal Club "Pediatric Infections- Home & Away"

  • Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institue (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

And here is the first ever SmedEd Journal club of this year! This is an initiative encouraged by the Standing Committee on Medical Education to encourage students to critique journal articles in a fun and tranquil environment (in front of your peers)

In light of the Irish Student's alliance for child care, AMSI TCD AMSI RCSIand AMSI UCD are delighted to be working with the TCD Paediatric Society and the UCD Paediatric Society to bring the first topic titled "Paediatric infections- Home & Away", on Tuesday the 30th of January at 7pm at the Stanley Quek Theatre at the Trinity Biomedical Science's institute, where we will be discussing journal articles in paeditriatic infections in Ireland and the UK as well tropical paediatric infections.

We are delighted to announce that for our first SmeEd journal club, we have a massive line up of special guests that include Professor Tom Rogers, Consultant clinical Microbiologist and head of clinical Microbiology at St.James' Hospital, Assistant professor of paediatrics, Dr. Judith Meehan and Professor Aengus O'Marcaigh, Consultant paediatric haematologist at Crumlin's Children's Hospital!

After the journal club, join us for our reception, where as usual free wine and delicious goodies will be provided! Also the best speaker on the night will receive a prize! 
We will be looking for 3-5 students from across the 3 medical schools to speak on the night, where if you have articles available in relation to the topic you can contact us at If you're interested and would like to present, but don't have a journal in mind, we can provide that for you, again send us an email at!

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